Jingle Ball 2010

Justin Bieber: “I Strive For The Best”

AMA 2010 Backstage Interview

Justin Bieber Interview With JoJo Wright

Intervju Med Cris Horwang Till Thai Fans

Selena Kallar Justin För ''Dork''

Selena Kallar Justin För ''Dork''

Kim Pratar Om Ryktena At The Tonight show

Failad Brasiliansk Intervju Med Justin
5.30 - She's talking to me like I understand her

Justins Pinsamma Kyss

Justin Kan Inte Prata

Justin Kan Inte Prata

GMTV Intervju

Access Extended

Justin Pratar Om Översvämingen I Nashville

Justin Bieber: 'I'll collaborate with Mark Wahlberg if Will Ferrell raps too'
Justin Bieber has agreed to collaborate with Mark Wahlberg as long as they can persuade funnyman Will Ferrell to rap on the track.Wahlberg - who found fame as rapper Marky Mark before turning his hand to acting - said he would come out of retirement if Bieber agreed to make a record with him as his daughter is a big fan of the 16-year-old.The teen sensation has agreed but on the proviso that Wahlberg's co-star from The Other Guys joins the unlikely duo.On his Twitter page, Bieber Tweeted, "Spoke with mark wahlberg... And no joke @mark_wahlberg is beast. The Other Guys was great... We need to make that record. he needs to rap again."Will ferrell needs to rap with us too...that would be...EPIC. I will rap too. deal?"
jag e ledsen men jag hinner inte översätta sory..
Bieber wants dating advice from 'hot' Cole, Perry
Teen heartthrob Justin Bieber wants Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry to give him some dating advice."Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry are two of the hottest girls in the world - and so normal and funny with it,” he said. "Maybe they could coach me and tell me how to work out which ones are the good ones. That would be pretty awesome.”The 16-year-old gushed that his dream girl would be a combination of both the sexy pop stars."If I was a few years older they are the kind of girls I'd like to date. I want a younger version of Cheryl and Katy - a mixture of the two would be hot,” Bieber told the Sun.The chart topper admits he is single, but on the lookout for love.“The problem is when I meet a girl, I don't know if she likes me or if she likes the lifestyle. Also, the really hot girls go around acting like they know they are hot. It's rare to find a girl who is both hot and really cool, but I know they do exist."
Justin Bieber vill att Cheryl Cole och Katy Perry ska ge honom några dating tips. '' Cheryl Cole och Katy Perry är två av dom hetaste tjejerna i världen. och så normala och roliga med det.'' sa han. '' kanske kan dom hjälpa mej och säga hur man arbetar vilka som ligger de bra(?). det skulle vara ganska häftigt. '' 16 åringen berättade att hans dröm tjej skulle bara en kombination av båda sexiga pop stjärnorna . '' om jag var några år äldre skulle jag vilja dejta tjejer som dom. jag vill ha en yngre vareation av Cheryl och Katy. en blandning av båda skulle vara het. berättade bieber för the sun. (The chart topper) erkänner att han är singel. men leter efter kärlek problemet är när jag träffar en tjej, vet jag inte om hon gillar mej eller om hon gillar livstilen. och dom riktigt heta tjejerna går runt och spelar bara som att dom vet att dom e hetast. det är sällsynt att hitta en både het och riktigt cool tjej. men jag vet att dom existerar.
Justin Bieber says it's important to be involved in charity work.
Teen singer Justin Bieber has said it is important to be involved in charity work.The 16-year-old Baby singer recently attended a charity bash in Atlanta that was put on by his friend and mentor Usher.Bieber added that he was excited to be singing live at the event to raise money for a good cause.He said to MTV: "You know, I'm really excited to be here to support Usher, my mentor, and his New Look Foundation."I'm here [and] I'm performing tonight. I'm also helping out another charity, it's called Pencils of Promise. It's all about giving back and helping out kids that need education."
He added: "It's really important that I'm able to help out other kids. I'm a kid myself, so it means a lot to me."
Justin Bieber har sagt att det är viktigt att delta i välgörenhet. 16 åringa baby sjungande Nyligen gick en välgörenhetsorganisation i Atlanta som hans vän och mentor Usher hade ornat. Bieber tillade att han var upphetsad att få sjunga live på eventet för att samla in pengar för goda anledningar. han sa till MTV: ''du vet,jag är riktigt glad att vara här och stötta Usher, min mentor, och hans New Look Foundation. '' jag är här [och] jag uååträder ikväll. jag hjälper oxå andra välgörenheter, dom kallas Pencils of Promise. allt handlar om att ge till baka och hjäla andra barn som behöver en utbildning.
Han tillade: det är väldigt viktigt att jag kan hjälpa andra bran. jag själv är ett barn. så det betyder mycket för mej.
Justin Bieber gets 31 pocket money a day
Teen singer Justin Bieber has revealed that his mother gives him an allowance of just $50 (£31) a day.The 16-year-old pop star said his mum Pattie Mallette and his agent and business manager Scooter Braun keep him grounded by making sure he only has a small daily allowance, despite having a reported $100m in the bank.He told UK newspaper the News Of The World: "My mum wants me to learn how to be very smart with my money."If I save [my allowance] for a week, then I have a couple of hundred bucks that I can spend on something special.
"Braun added: "We're trying to teach him the value of a dollar."
justin biebe har avslöjat att hans mamma ger honom bara ca 400 kr per dag. 16 åringen sa att hans mamma pattie mallette och hans agent och affärs manager Scooter Braun håller honom jordnära med att bara ge honom en liten daglig valuta. trots att de har rapporterat en $ 100m på banken (vet inte vad $ 100m betyder), han berättar för uk newspaper the news of the world: ''min mamma vill att jag ska lära mej att vara smart med mina pengar. ''om jag sparar [min veckopeng] en veck, då har jag ett par 100 lappar som jag kan spendera på något speciellt.''Braun tillade: '' vi försöker lära honom valutan på en dollar.''
GLAMOUR's iChat Interview With Justin
GlamGrlNYC2010: So you’re on voice rest, huh? Bummer.
Justin Bieber: It’s no fun, but it’s necessary.
GlamGrlNYC2010: Hey, did you hear that Tom Brady got your haircut?
JB: I did. I was just in Massachusetts [singing at the Patriots’ stadium], so he may have been influenced. Ha. Does Gisele like it?
GlamGrlNYC2010: We’ll have to ask her! Is it true that before you were discovered, you’d never been on a plane?
JB: Not even once. It’s crazy how many I’ve been on now.
GlamGrlNYC2010: You’ve even traveled to the White House. Did you hang out with Malia while you were there?
JB: Malia and I didn’t really get a chance to hang.
GlamGrlNYC2010: Let’s talk clothes. What do you wear when you’re not working?
JB: Sperrys, basketball gear, comfortable stuff.
GlamGrlNYC2010: And who does your laundry?
JB: My mom and fluff ’n’ folds on the road.
GlamGrlNYC2010: Is your mom strict?
JB: Very. She still takes my computer away at 10:30 p.m.
GlamGrlNYC2010: Some of your fans pass out when they
see you. Did you ever think you could make a girl faint?
JB: Never!
GlamGrlNYC2010: You must be a pro at handling crying women. Got any advice for men whose girlfriends cry?
JB: Listen. Try to understand why they are crying.
GlamGrlNYC2010: One last Q: Where will you be in five years?
JB: Still living out my dreams.