bieber news!

hejj, nu kommer lite JB news, men jag e ledsen att dom e på engelska men det e svårt att hitta svenska interjuver:p

Teenage pop sensation Justin Bieber proved he has real musical talent when he had a drum-off against Questlove of The Roots.
 "Are you ready?" the 16-year-old cheekily challenged the drumming star, adding of himself: "I was born ready." The star then showed real skill as the pair kept up a funky beat on Jimmy Fallon's chat show, on which The Roots are the house band.
Interviewed by Fallon, Bieber, wearing a hip knitted hat hiding his trademark hairstyle, showed some genuine comedy talent. Asked who should play him in a movie of his life, he said: "Probably, like, Chuck Norris."
But host Fallon had other ideas - and showed a mocked-up image of himself as the young star.
Fallon had asked fans to tweet questions, and told the star: "A lot of girls sent their phone numbers."
Bieber quipped: "Are you going to give them to me or are you going to just keep them for yourself?"
He called his sudden rise to fame "pretty crazy".

hoppas ni förstår vad det står :)<3
kisses Hanna<3


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