Justin Bieber Arrives In Auckland; Chaos Ensues

Heavily surrounded by escorts and security, Justin Bieber arrives at Auckland Airport in New Zealand on Tuesday (April 27).

The 16-year-old musician was set to perform at Sunrise in Sydney at the Overseas Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay, but because of the mass crowd, fainting and trampling, police were forced to cancel the concert after several young fans were crushed during crowd surges.

Popeater reports that New Zealand prepared themselves for Justin’s arrival — his label even kept his arrival time secret, but that didn’t stop 1,000 plus fans from showing up at the airport.

Justin left a little message on his Twitter for his Aussie fans, “AUSTRALIA…i want to say thank you for the most incredible welcome. I wont ever forget it and i cant wait to come back soon and perform and yes I got to see a wombat.”

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