Justin besöker Fantasy Factory

Innan Justin gav sig ut på sin turnè besökte han Fantasy Factory (serie som går på MTV). En utav killarna från showen, Drama, laddade upp dom här bilderna och videon samt skrev den här texten:

"Justin Bieber stopped by the Factory the other day to say whats up and enjoy the things the Factory has to offer before he went on his U.S. Tour. Hes actually a really cool, mellow kid. And if you had never seen the insane fans or nonstop trending topics you would think he was just a regular 16 year old kid having fun. As you’ll see in the shitty little video I edited I didn’t think to film any sort of intros or outros so its really just a weird montage of him f*cking around. Im sure my 15 and below audience could not possible care less. Enjoy!"


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