Justin På Inspelningen Av CSI Nu :)

Så här skrev NBC om att Justin ska vara med på det första avsnittet av nya sesongen i CSI:

What better way for Justin Bieber to begin his transition from floppy-haired pop star to Serious Grown-up™ than by appearing on a CBS crime procedural that dispatches with its guest stars in the most graphic ways imaginable?

On Thursday, CBS said that Mr. Bieber has been cast in the season premiere of “C.S.I.”, which is scheduled for Sept. 23. According to a news release, the 16-year-old singer will play Jason McCann, “a troubled teen who is faced with a terrible decision regarding his only brother—a decision that leads him into an explosive confrontation with the CSIs.” The release added that this appearance is “the beginning of an emotional story that will conclude later in the season,” suggesting that Mr. Bieber will return to induce further squeals from Laurence Fishburne, Jerry Bruckheimer and the whole “C.S.I.” gang in subsequent episodes.

It looks like Justin’s already preparing for his guest-role-

“Morning world… we got the acting coach here… learning ‘a new craft,’” he Tweeted on Thursday.

Längtar tills avsnittet kommer till sverige ska spela in det så jag har det föralltid :p


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