Justin I Expressen

Hetast på nätet: Helylle-Justin
Det gör 16-åriga Justin Bieber.
Vet du inte vem han är - fråga din tonårsdotter.
- Hela webb-tv-branschen häpnade över hur snabbt trafiken till Lady Gagas "Telephone"-video växte. Nu blir hon nerknuffad i diket av en nyduschad kille som ser ut som en pingstvän, säger Expressens webb-tv krönikör Andreas Norström.
Snart tre miljoner fans
På Justin Biebers Youtubekanal har hans sju officiella videos visats otroliga 167 miljoner gånger, han har snart tre miljoner fans på Facebook och två miljoner som följer honom på Twitter.
- Han är ett fenomen som uppstått genom sociala medier - och han vet hur man använder dem, säger Andreas Nordström
Tidningen People beskriver hysterin i samband med hans konserter som "Beatlemania" med tjejer som skriker, gråter och svimmar.
Men Bieber själv säger att han fortfarande står med fötterna på jorden - mycket tack vare sin överbeskyddande mamma.
Framgångssagan börjar i den lilla staden Stratford i Kanada. Som tolvåring ställde han upp i en talangjakt (och slutade tvåa). För att släktingarna skulle kunna se la hans mamma ut filmen på Youtube och plötsligt började folk från hela världen kommentera
Slogs om att producera
Snart slogs Usher och Justin Timberlake om att få producera det nya stjärnskottet. Usher som till slut vann dragkampen säger till People:
- Han hade stjärnstatus. Jag såg hur mycket han ville. Han var så begåvad, mer än jag var i hans ålder
Bliss Magazine Intervju
What do girls do that confuses you?
'One time, a fan in Seattle came up to me and for some reason she decided she was going to tackle me. She crept up behind me and gave me a hug, but then she ended up knocking me to the ground. I didn't get that at all. It wasn't nice!'
What is the last lie you told?
'I dunno, I tell a lot of lies! A couple of years ago I had an F grade on a test at school, but I turned it into a B with the teacher's pen! My mom had to sign that she's seen it before I took it back to school, so she had no idea how bad it actually was!'
Have you dumped someone over the phone?
'Yes, I broke up with a girl that way once. That's terrible, isn't it? We got into an argument during a phone call so I basically said, 'I don't wanna be with you and more,' and she cried. I saw her after that and it was a bit awkward, but we're not enemies now, so that's cool.'
How long had you been seeing her?
'Like, seven months. But I wouldn't recommend splitting up with anyone that way. It's very mean!'
Have you ever fancied your mom's friends?
'Er, yeah, I probably have. I actually can't remember any one of them in particular, but she's definitely had a few hot friends in the past'
MTV News Intervju
bieber news!
Teenage pop sensation Justin Bieber proved he has real musical talent when he had a drum-off against Questlove of The Roots.
"Are you ready?" the 16-year-old cheekily challenged the drumming star, adding of himself: "I was born ready." The star then showed real skill as the pair kept up a funky beat on Jimmy Fallon's chat show, on which The Roots are the house band.
Interviewed by Fallon, Bieber, wearing a hip knitted hat hiding his trademark hairstyle, showed some genuine comedy talent. Asked who should play him in a movie of his life, he said: "Probably, like, Chuck Norris."
But host Fallon had other ideas - and showed a mocked-up image of himself as the young star.
Fallon had asked fans to tweet questions, and told the star: "A lot of girls sent their phone numbers."
Bieber quipped: "Are you going to give them to me or are you going to just keep them for yourself?"
He called his sudden rise to fame "pretty crazy".
hoppas ni förstår vad det står :)<3
kisses Hanna<3
INTERVIEW Magazine Excerpt
On Performing for the President Earlier this Year:
“It’s the only time I’ve ever been nervous to perform,”
On His Hair:
“I don’t style it. I just blow-dry it and”—he pauses and tousles his hair—“kind of shake it,”
On Celebrity Crush Beyoncé:
“I’ve been totally in love with her since I was seven. She kinda broke my heart when she married Jay-Z,”
On Love:
“I haven’t been in love yet. I’ve definitely loved girls. But it’s kinda like puppy love. It’s not the real thing, but that’s what you think at the time.”
On the Songs on his new Album:
“mostly about girls, again,” the boy wonder says. “I want them to hear my music and wanna play it again because it made their hearts feel good.”
On his ideal World:
“I want my world to be fun. No parents, no rules, no nothing. Like, no one can stop me,” he says, and then repeats it. “No one can stop me.”