Justin Bieber surprised by paparazzo on video chat site

Teen heartthrob Justin Bieber found out just how much of a paparazzi magnet he really is when he came face-to-face with a photographer on a video chat site.

The singing sensation popped up on social network Chat Roulette, which lets users see strangers around the world on webcams as they move at random from one person to another.

Open-mouthed Justin looked surprised as he noticed the latest user to appear on his screen had picked up a camera as quick as a flash and reeled off a couple of quick pictures.

The cheeky pap typed a message for Justin, telling him: “UR Too Slow U've Been Papped.”

Justin saw the funny side though and replied: “I'm use to it.”

Then he cut the chat short the chance encounter before any more photos could be taken by moving on to the next user.

A host of celebs including Justin have reportedly been spotted on Chat Roulette.

Paris Hilton, The Jonas Brothers, Ashton Kutcher and Chris Brown are all said to have surprised Chat Roulette users by popping up at random.

Users move through the quick-fire world of Chat Roulette by clicking the “Next” option on screen.

Either party can terminate the meeting or they can hang around or chat online

Justin Bieber wants Megan Fox in his next music video

Teen singer Justin Bieber has said it would be "awesome" to land Megan Fox for his next music video.

The 16-year-old star is hoping the track, Somebody To Love, off his album My World 2.0 will be his next single.

He said to MTV News: "I think it's gonna be Somebody To Love. I don't know. I mean, the label [is] going to decide and [manager] Scooter [Braun], but I don't really know. It could be U Smile [or Somebody To Love] or anything."

In his previous music videos, Bieber has been bowling with Drake and Ludacris and thrown a pool party with Sean Kingston.

Asked if he'd like beauty Fox for the next video, he said: "That would be great. That would be awesome, but I don't know if that would be possible... I don't know yet.

Caitlin Beadles olycka

Ni kanske har hört om justins vän Caitlin Beadles olycka ? om ni inte eller vill veta mer..
Såhär skriver Caitlins lillebror
Christian på twitter:
"We try to keep things private but because so many of you care for my sister my parents told me I can explain it the best I can for ya'll. Caitlin had surgery on her Broken femur and they put in a long rod. She couldn't bend her leg much so they had to remove one of the screws they placed in her knee and then cut scar tissue out. Since she doesnt have feeling in her other leg cause of all the nerve damage they did a spinal block and put her out for the surgery. The surgery part was fine but when they put the needle in her back to numb her spine it leaked out something called CS Fluid that is a fluid we have in our brain. When it leaks it makes your brain drop down and you get the worse pain in your spine and head. It basically put her out for this whole week. They fixed it and are just trying to get the right medicines to work and help her pain. They put her body to sleep with other medicine every night to let her nerves rest. Of course because of all the nerve damage from the boat accident it caused her whole nervous system to go crazy. So she has been really sick. They think they are closer to getting it under control right now. But she will be in the hospital a little longer. Thanks to all of you for praying and sending her best wishes. You truly will never know how much it means to us. God has brought all of our hearts together through this and He is teaching all of us something. Love Love Love"

Det här har Caitlin själv twittrat om händelsen:

Och så Justins tack till fansen..
"Thanks to everyone for your prayers for a certain friend of mine...she is doing much better and its good to see her smiling. thanks"
För er som inte vet är Justin i Atlanta just nu och är med sina vänner.

Ryan Butler, Christian, Usher, Caitlin och Justin.

Justin på Teen Voge

Not many sixteen-year-olds can say that, in the past year alone, they've performed for the Obamas, dropped tracks with Ludacris, and been kissed by Rihanna.And though this pop phenom's always dreamed big (growing up, he wanted to be an NHL star), Justin is still in shock over all his success."I never thought I was destined for any of this," he says.But ever since 2007, when the Stratford, Canada, native started posting videos on YouTube featuring his angelic voice and signature swagger, he's been winning over teenage hearts with a vengeance.Now, the Usher protégé is headlining his own North American tour and has just released his second album, My World 2.0.Surprisingly, Justin still has a few things left on his to-do list: Meet (and sing with) Stevie Wonder, tour Tokyo, and become a bona fide triple threat."We're trying to set up a movie for me in the near future—it's going to be similar to the story of how I got discovered," Justin says."Kinda like my own version of 8 Mile."

Såklart så kom det med bilder till artikeln sry att den är på engelska

Allt lika söt även i fluga:)

justin ''fish bowl''

I Australien ska Justin uppträda bakom glas, av säkerhetsskäl skriver Nypost. Justin twittrade att han tyckte det var "lame".

Teen sensation Justin Bieber's only planned public show in Australia has been canceled with the star now playing behind glass for his own safety, The Daily Telegraph reported Monday.

Fans are reported to have reacted wildly to the news Bieber was due to perform at a shopping center in Sydney's west on April 25, forcing a change of plans.

The 16-year-old Canadian will now be protected from his teen admirers with an appearance behind a glass window in Channel 7's Sydney city center studio at Martin Place.

Bieber will perform his hit single "Baby" on the TV station's Sunrise program on Monday, April 26 from 7 a.m. (local time).

The soul singer, on his first trip to Australia, will release his debut album on April 23, consisting of 19 tracks including hit singles "One Time", "Favorite Girl" and "Baby".

Teen idol Bieber has 200,000 followers on Twitter and is the first solo artist to have four songs from a debut album in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100’s Top 40 prior to its release.


hejj jag vill byta header så snälla rösta på vilken vi ska ha :D <3

jag hade rätt !! det var we are the world carro !! och han sjunger först och inte sist ! :P

justin sjunger först av alla ;)<3

Rare Pics

justin och hans hund sam (så sööta<33)

justin och hans pappa Jeremy.

justin och hans pappa <3

så söööt <33

Ryan Butler, Justin, Christian Beadles och Chaz Somers (justin x 4:P<3)

Sweet drems

Nu ska lilla hanna sova och jag ska drömma om våran älskling jb<3 men imorgon e det skola så det kommer inte alg lika mycket videos eller fakta som tidigare för mig men jag ska försöka hitta mumsig fakta om jb ;-) men vi ses imorgon <3 Jag mobil bloggar så jag kan tyvär inte lägga upp bilder:'(

Justin I April Numret Av:

                                                              Top Of The Pops




Tiger Beat


Alla tidningar e på amerikanska men om du har tur kan du hitta dom på Press Stop:)

här kommer andra delen


JB´s tuneringar i USA

Justin Bieber i heta stolen

vet att det har varit många vidios men ska försöka hitta något att skriva om ;P

jb kan allt !!

titta hur fort det här gick?:O <3

HE'S AMEZING !!!! <33

det ska vara en jätte skojj video men jag vet inte om det har blivit fel;P<3

Saturday Night Live

Haha Hanna släng dig i väggen jag kommer kanske få en snyggare tröja xD

Visst e dom snygga jag hör dom säga Carro Oss Mig NUUUUUUU!!!!
Priset på dom här tröjorna varierar mella 20-40 dollar + frackt som jag inte vet hur mycket det e men ska försöka ta reda på det:P<333

Eenie Meeni musikvidio släpps om 2 veckor

På Justindrewdaily.com har Sean Kingston skrivit att Eenie Meeni musikvidion släpps om 2 veckor han skrev så här:


vet inte om det e den riktgia sean kingston man kan ju aldrig veta om det som skrivs av någon är av den den säger sig vara men Eeni Meeni musikvidion släpps iallafall om två veckor:D

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