Juno Awards

Billie Piper: "I love Justin Bieber"

Rex Features
Billie Piper has revealed that she has a crush on Justin Bieber.

The actress, who is married to Lewis actor Laurence Fox, branded the 'Baby' star "gorgeous".

"I love Justin. I think he's gorgeous. It's kind of that you feel wrong for fancying him. I'm 27," she said on The Graham Norton Show. "His songs are amazing. I'd be a cougar for him. But it is wrong."

Piper, who is currently starring in BBC One's A Passionate Woman, also revealed that her pop career left her penniless.

She continued: "I don't think me or my parents ever read the small print and I got really into firing managers, which is expensive."

Justin Bieber at childrens hospital

Las upp på YT för länge sen men det e så gulligt


På directlyrics.com tar jag alla texter till låtarna jag har lägger upp här på bloggen och titta vem jag hittade på deras huvud bild:P


Justin VS Miley

Juno Awards Idag

Justin är nominerad till tre Juno Awards Pop Album of the Year, årets album och New Artist of the Year.

Han ska uppträda i Kanada på Juno Awards 2010 som är en kanadensisk prisutdelning. Den kommer sändas idag, (söndag).

 Justin skrev på twitter: "I Kanada i helgen för JUNOS".

Så altså är Justin på hemmaplan för tillfället.


16-åriga kanadensiska stjärnskottet Justin Bieber nyper sig troligtvis i armen just nu. Inte bara för att hans webbshop erbjuder rosa hotpants med trycket Biebers flicka utan för att han är den yngsta manliga soloartisten sedan Stevie Wonder att få en albumetta på Billboard Top 200. Om det beror på de lillgamla låttexterna är tveksamt – han sjunger bland annat om vilken hjärtekrossare han varit – men den röstmässiga begåvningen är ett faktum. De sockersöta r&b-beatsen är ett klockrent komplement och fastän inte alla låtar håller måttet framstår han som det mest genuina som hänt genren sedan The-Dream.

16-åriga popsensationen Justin Bieber planerar besök i Sverige

Justin Bieber på väg in på en fest arrangerad av Perez Hilton.
NEW YORK. Årets popsensation Justin Bieber planerar ett Sverige-besök i maj.
16-åringen har gått från Youtube till sensationell förstaplats på albumlistan i USA.

En vecka efter att han släppt albumet "My World 2.0" innehar den kanadensiske popkometen första platsen på albumlistan i USA. Det gör honom till den yngsta manliga soloartisten sedan Stevie Wonder att ha en etta på Billboard Top 200.
- Han är ett fenomen. En ung artist med stjärnkvalitet, dynamisk närvaro och musikalisk skicklighet, säger Island Def Jam Music Groups ordförande LA Reid.

Hemsida slog rekord

"My Worlds", en ihopslagning av två album, släpptes i Sverige förra veckan. Singeln "Baby" är redan en smash-hit världen över och klättar också på listorna i Sverige.
Av Universal Musics 100 mest spelade låtar på Spotify i Sverige är åtta låtar av dessa Justins.
Justin Bieber planerar att besöka Sverige i maj. Så fort ryktet nådde fansen slog Universal Musics hemsida besöksrekord.

KÄLLA expresen (på nätet)

Justin Bieber accused of acting like a diva so he could get McDonalds

Teen pop sensation Justin Bieber is already being accused of acting like a diva - keeping schoolkids waiting over an hour so he could go to McDonalds.

Excited young fans as well as school officials, police officers and the press were eagerly awaiting the 16-year-old star at Long Beach Middle School, in Long Island, New York.

But the teen kept everyone waiting for more than an hour - because he diverted his motorcade to McDonald's for an Egg McMuffin, according to the New York Post.

Bieber had been due at 8.30am last Friday but did not show up until after 10.

However his publicist, Melissa Victor, denied to the Post that he was late.

The SNL cast is impressed by Justin!

Saturday Night Live cast members have reportedly praised Justin Bieber following his guest appearance on the show. The 'Baby' star performed on last weekend's episode, as well as joining Tina Fey in a sketch about a teacher and her student. Speaking to People, show star Bill Hader said: "He's a confident kid. That guy definitely doesn't hold back, which I was really impressed with. If I was as confident at that age, my life would've been a lot easier." Co-star Kenan Thompson added: "He's a ball of energy. He's a cool young 16-year-old kid who is on top of the world." Bieber also impressed head writer Seth Meyers, who described him as a "force of nature", and executive producer Lorne Michaels who branded him a "complete pro".

Justin @Buffalo

Justin Hung out with Obama

Justin Bieber has revealed that he got to "hang out" with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office when he visited Washington DC last week.

The 'Baby' star met the First Family when he performed at the White House's annual Easter Egg Roll, and was also given a tour of the property.

Speaking to MTV News, he said: "I got to hang out with him in the Oval Office, which is pretty crazy, because no one really gets to go in there.

"But it was pretty incredible. I got pictures with him."

Bieber previously described the First Family as "really nice", and said he was "grateful for the honour" of being asked to perform at the event.

Justin Bieber plays free concert to help raise money for charity

Teen sensation Justin Bieber has performed a free concert at a New York school.

The 16-year-old singer's concert was the top prize in the KISS 98.5 School Spirit contest. Students of the local school that collected the most pennies for Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo, west NY, were rewarded with a concert.

And it was the students of Edward Town Middle School who got to see Bieber in action.

The 935 students of the school in Sanborn won the contest by raising $16,927 - some $2300 more than the second-place school.

The contest raised $152,000 for Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo - that's 15.2 million pennies, or 41 tons of the copper coins.

As soon as Bieber was announced as the star who would do the concert for the winning school, Bieber fever swept Edward Town Middle School.

At that point Principal Laura Palka had never heard of Justin Bieber, adding: "But I knew the kids were extremely excited and I knew it was for a good cause, so why not?

"We had penny cans everywhere! At our dances we had a life-sized photo of Justin, and the kids could pay to have their picture taken with Justin - that was a very large hit."

The groundwork for Bieber's appearance was laid almost a year ago, when the radio station got a call from his manager, Scooter Braun, asking if the rising teen star, a native of Stratford, Ontario, could stop by the KISS studio.

After the radio show appearance Bieber, his manager and also his mentor Usher agreed to the free concert to help raise money for charity.

Kan inte ta vissa toner längre

Pga att Justin har kommit in i målbrottet kan han inte längre ta vissa toner så här har Justin själv sagt

"Ibland spricker det, precis som för tonårskillar. Vissa toner i Baby kan jag inte ens ta längre" säger han.
"Vi måste sänka tonen när jag ska sjunga den live".
Justin är ändå glad att han har den bästa Sång coachen i landet - Jan Smith.

Det är bara ett av problemen Justin har när han ska sjunga live - alla skrikande tjejer är ett annat.
"För ett tag sen när jag uppträdde för 75,000 pers frågade jag mina vänner efteråt om jag var bra. Dom svarade "Ingen aning, allt vi hörde var skrik!"

Justin Tar Körkort

The 16 year old will be behind the wheel soon…
Teen sensation Justin Bieber has picked up his driving licence according to reports. The 16 year old Baby singer was spotted at a ‘DMV’ office in Atlanta on Tuesday with his mum. According to TMZ the star was allowed to pose for his drivers licence photo a few times till he got one he liked. So don’t be startled if you spot the cherubic young singer behind the wheel some time soon! 
In related news the cast of comedy show Saturday Night Live have said they were impressed by Justin at the weekend. Comic Bill Hader revealed: “He's a confident kid. That guy definitely doesn't hold back, which I was really impressed with. If I was as confident at that age, my life would've been a lot easier.”

Nu ska jag gör som:

Gå och sova fast inte lika gulligt:)<333
Hoppas ni drömmer om älsklingen inatt för det ska iallafall lilla Carro göra:P
Ses imorgon efter skolan med mer JB nyheter

min och Justin's favvo låt

detta e en av mina favvo låtar.. och det e justin's favvo låt på my world 2.0 :D och det e inte bara därför.. <33

justin ska inte uppträda i en ''fisk skol'' :p

Två år sen Justin fick skivkontrakt

Igår var det exagt två år sen Justin fick sitt skivkontrakt.Tänk vad långt han har kommit på bara 2 år svårt att tro när man tängker efter (riktigt ordentligt)

Såå söt<3333333333333333333333333333

Justin Bieber doesn't care whom he falls in love with

ledsen att interjuverna e på engelska men jag orkar inte översätta..

Teen singer Justin Bieber said he doesn't care whom he falls in love with as he doesn't 'limit' himself.

The 16-year-old pop star has previously admitted to having a crush on singer Beyonce and has now said he doesn't care who the girl is, whether she is a celebrity or a fan.

He said to MTV News: "Whoever I fall in love with, you can be anybody. I don't limit myself."

Despite being busy at the moment, Bieber added: "It would just depend. I think right now, I'm really busy, but anything can happen. I mean, I wouldn't mind it."

He also dished the details on his dream girls: "If I can pick any girl... I'm gonna take Kim Kardashian. And Beyonce''.

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